M11a1-380acp carbine, open bolt, semi auto (couple hundred made) M10-45acp carbine, open bolt, semi auto (couple hundred made) M10-9mm carbine, open bolt, semi auto (couple hundred made) M10-45acp pistol, open bolt, semi auto (close to 10,000 made) M10-9mm pistol, open bolt, semi auto (close to 10,000 made) Accordingly, SM10 and SM11A1 pistols and SAC carbines, manufactured or assembled on or after June 21, 1982, will be subject to all the provisions of the National Firearms Act and 27 C.F.R. 7805(b), this ruling will not be applied to SM10 and SM11A1 pistols and SAC carbines manufactured or assembled before June 21, 1982. With respect to the machinegun classification of the SM10 and SM11A1 pistols and SAC carbines, under the National Firearms Act, pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Consequently, the SM10 and SM11A1 pistols and SAC carbines are machineguns as defined in Section 5845(b) of the Act.
Held: The SM10 and SM11A1 pistols and the SAC carbine are designed to shoot automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger.
The "designed" definition includes those weapons which have not previously functioned as machineguns but possess design features which facilitate full automatic fire by a simple modification or elimination of existing component parts. The "readily restorable" definition defines weapons which previously could shoot automatically but will not in their present condition. The "shoots automatically" definition covers weapons that will function automatically. § 5845(b), defines a machinegun to include any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger. The above combination of design features as employed in the SM10 and SM11A1 pistols and the SAC carbine are normally not found in typical sporting firearms. Thus, this simple modification to the disconnector or trip, together with the configuration of the above design features (blowback operating, firing from the open bolt position, and fixed firing pin) in the SM10 and SM11A1 pistols and in the SAC carbine, permits the firearms to shoot automatically, more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger. The disconnector and trip are designed in the SM10 and SM11A1 pistols and in the SAC carbine (firearms) in such a way that a simple modification to them, such as cutting, filing, or grinding, allows the firearms to operate automatically. In addition, component parts of the weapons are a disconnector and a trip which prevent more than one shot being fired with a single function of the trigger. The weapons are blowback operated, fire from the open bolt position with the bolt incorporating a fixed firing pin, and the barrels of the pistols are threaded to accept a silencer. 380ACP caliber, semiautomatic firearm and the SAC carbine is a 9 millimeter or. 45ACP caliber, semiautomatic firearm the SM11A1 is a.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has reexamined firearms identified as SM10 pistols, SM11A1 pistols, and SAC carbines. The SM10 and SM11A1 pistols and SAC carbines are machineguns as defined in the National Firearms Act. RPB open bolt semi's were only produced untill june 21st of 1982Ītf ruling 82-8 is the one to look up in refference

The first two digits of the serial number should denote the year of manufacture.